Saturday 15 January 2011

So yeah, My Face Died.

This week i lost my facebook.

This made me realise two things

1) Im to reliant on what is essentially a monitoring system,
2) Everyone else is also reliant on a monitoring system.

I was deleted for a very unfortunate facebook rape last monday and i gave it 6 days before I felt the need to join back up again. However during those 6 days it was like a weight was lifted off my shoulder's.

I have returned for the simple fact that without it my social and organised life goes down the pan, Im in charge of too many thing's and am part of to many groups that i cant quite give it up just yet.

Maybe one day.

Tuesday 4 January 2011

Catch Up.

So its been 7 months since i wrote my last Blog and in between that time a lot has changed. If you are going to read if you must be :

  1. Interested in my life
  2. Struggling to sleep
  3. A stalker
  4. An employer (please....)
  5. All of the above.
In between the last post and this one, I have been on holiday twice, moved into a new house, began running a successful society, learnt how to do basic photoshopping, started my own 2-hour radio slot, began planning and working for a student PR company (oh thats still a little bit hush hush...) , gained some friends and lost some too. Well not really lost but might've misplaced.

Above all this however (and without turning this into a soppy emoesque- call the samaritans for me post) I lost my Nan.

Now for a lot of people losing a grandmother is not a big thing. For me however it was. To give you a run down this is how it works.

My Grandmother and Grandfather moved to St.Albans (where i was born and raised) in the late 70's with my Mum, My Uncle and my Aunt. None of them have left.

Along side with this I have a generally young family. My Nan was 40 when i was born and there wasn't another grandchild outside of my brother for another 14 years.

This made her like a second mother to me- She was the one who encouraged me to go to university, told me how proud of me she was at the end of every phone call and would always be there when i needed a hug or a hand. My greatest regret and although out of my hands is that she will wont see my graduate.

Tonight I also lost my great-grandmother- but this is somehow easier to deal with, not because I'm not sad but because I'm not lost.

Im generally quite a blunt person, also a lot of my life is quite a blag, Im easily confused and expect more from people that i am often happy to give out.

So in summery here is my long list of new years resolution that i would love for you to help me stick to.

  • Gym- At least 5 times a week- preferably in the morning
  • Make time for friends- If I offer to buy you a pint- don't assume Im after something, I am more than likely just interested in your life
  • Be more creative- Being boring sucks.
  • Score more goals
  • Blog more
  • Improve my grammar and spelling
  • Finish my work at least 3 days before it needs to be done.
  • Save more money
All of these should go on to help me become a better person, friend and family member.